Showing posts from December, 2020Show All
Drum Brakes (1902) | Renault uses friction to slow down cars
Gun Silencer ( 1902 ) | Maxim silences his father's invention, the Maxim gun
Zoom Lens (1901) | Allen brings a sharper focus to photography
Air Conditioning ( 1902 ) | Carrier makes the world a much cooler place to live
Electrical Vacuum Cleaner | Booth's machine makes light of housework
Mercury Vapor Lamp ( 1901 ) | Hewitt pioneers fluorescent lighting
Toy Electric Train Set ( 1901 ) | Cowen invents a timeless toy for young and old
Assembly Line (1901) | Olds invents a revolutionary system for industry
Washing Machine ( 1908 ) | Fisher minimizes the physical work of the household washday
Food Mixer ( 1908 ) | Beach speeds up kitchen tasks with a lightweight motor
Aspirin (1899) | Hoffman invents one of the most popular painkillers of all time
Heroin | Hoffmann develops a drug initially thought suitable to replace morphine
Self-aligning Ball Bearing ( 1907 ) Wingquist smooths mechanical movement
Distributor ( 1907 ) Kent develops an ignition system
Magnetic Recording ( 1898 ) | Poulsen's invention achieves the first audio recording
Powered Hearing Aid ( 1898 ) | Hutchinson's invention lends power to the hard of hearing
X-ray Photography | ( 1895 ) Rontgen discovers how to photograph inside the bodies of living things
Film Camera/Projector ( 1895 ) | The Lumiere brothers popularize movies
Diesel Engine  ( 1895 ) | Diesel patents a fuel-economic engine
Vacuum flask (1892) | Dewar invents in the forerunner to Thermos
Fingerprinting (1892) | Vucetich Adds A Key Component To Forensics
#1 Stone Tools | Early Humankind Ushers In The Age Of Invention